Monday, October 10, 2016

In response to Jares post...

To say it was crazy and stressful would be an understatement....

I was going thru a really bad situation with my crew in Jersey....we were having creative problems....personal issues wow...trainwreck city.

Then i get the call from Jare and the meeting happened pretty fast after that. And then the next thing i know im in the studio with Beckett!

The ballad was in my opinion well crafted and i had heard the versions from the previous singer Mike and then the latest version sung by Jare (who could really have handled singing lead on his own in my opinion..he still can). I was just hoping to do the tune justice while at the same time obsessing about the rehearsal i had to be at in jersey that night lol.....

In my mind i was all over the place....nervous....I was still a kid, with dreams of being a rockstar (yuck)...

The truth was that HitnRun was the best looking and most pro sounding crew that i had ever been around. And they were giving ME a shot?!?!?!?

ok well rehashing this all in my mind has brought all those nervous and hopeful feelings back to the front of my brain. I need to step back for a second ....

The real drama came when i told my other band i wanted out LOL....

Next time on THE LONG ROAD BACK: How to take a punch and still carry a tune!

The Story Continues—Jareth's POV

It was October 1991 and Beck, Mark, Dan, and I had been writing, rehearsing and searching for a new singer for HitnRun for a good 4 months at that point. The search had thus far been fruitless, but things were about to change.

At the time, we had been sharing our rehearsal space with another band. Apparently, a friend of theirs  visited one of their practices and found our flyer. That friend turned about to be Eric Montoya, a vocalist from a New Jersey-based band who was looking to make a change. Eric soon got word to us through a mutual friend that he was interested in learning more about HitnRun.

A few days later, I called Eric, and we discussed our musical interests and goals over the phone. He mentioned that he was currently digging Tyketto and their singer Danny Vaughn, whom I was vaguely familiar with and respected, and it turned out we were both big fans of Lynch Mob. We agreed to meet in person so I could share our current demo with him and discuss things further. That meeting went quite well, and we soon scheduled Eric for a rather unique audition.

Instead of jamming with the band, we decided to throw Eric into the fire by having him literally record vocals on that very same demo we gave him. The existing vocal was just a scratch track from yours truly, so we wanted to hear what our tunes would sound like with this guy singing on them.

I couldn't make it to the studio that night, so Beck attended the recording session and picked me up later to share the results of the recording session. To say Eric had passed with flying colors would be an understatement. I will never forget that night sitting in my brother's car listening to those recordings. Hearing Eric sing our power ballad "Forever" practically gave me chills. He had it all. Excellent pitch, rich tone, and just the right amount of rasp. I thought to myself that night, "Holy shit! We did it. We found our singer. We found THE singer we always envisioned for our band."

The next day I called Eric to tell him he had the gig. He was excited, but seemed a bit nervous about giving his notice to his current band. I told him it wasn't an option. We were the band for him, and he was the singer for us. It was destiny. His talent was being wasted in that other band.

Eric soon quit his NJ band and joined HitnRun. Our line-up was finally complete and the next chapter of our story was about to begin.

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Sorry its been such a lag between posts folks but there are some wacky things that happened...

It seems we have been getting some airplay in Europe....A few stations here and there have played us since the CD release but now it looks like were gaining real allies in the radio world over in the UK!

There is a great station  Leisure FM and there is a dj there named Graham Lavender that is a great fan of ours. He played us a few weeks back and here's what went down:


Then the following week we returned!


And then that week we were also on South Devon Radio!

South Devon Radio!

I cant thank these gentlemen enough for giving us time on the air on their shows. We have been on a few stations like in Germany etc. But these guys gave us the heads up and we are very grateful to them for their efforts and support.

Lets not forget everyone that has purchased our CD and or downloaded our album from the various sites that sell them.  Thank you also to everyone that has been listening on the streaming sites like spotify! We love you all believe me.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

In the beginning—Jareth's POV...

For me, HitnRun began in 1989 when I returned from a year of living in Los Angeles while I attended the Musicians Institute (GIT). I came back to Scranton PA with the vision of building a band that would be worthy of taking on the LA music scene, but would operate on the East Coast. Although Scranton PA wasn't exactly a hot bed of hard rock talent, I knew a few area musicians that would be up for the task of putting this kind of band together, among them was my brother Beckett who, despite being just 16, had become a solid rock drummer.

Beckett and I soon partnered with guitarist Mark Sutorka, who would go on to be with the band almost until its demise. Along with singer Michael Weiland and bassist Bob Grogan, we formed the original version of HitnRun. Although this line-up had every intention of being an original band, we succumbed to the pressures of the local music scene and focused primarily on learning cover songs. That's not to say that we didn't write several originals though. In fact, the track Forever, which is featured on our debut record was written during this time by myself and Michael.

After a year of steady rehearsals and gigs, the band came apart at the seams. Bob had to move away to finish his college degree, Michael was struggling with his voice, which caused some frustration for the entire group, and I wound up getting an interesting opportunity to join a band in Philadelphia that I decided to pursue.

My time in Philly would prove short lived, however, and I soon returned to Scranton to reassemble HitnRun with Beck and Mark. Soon we had recruited a new bassist in Dan Whitman and decided to give Michael another go at the microphone. This time there would be no cover songs. We decided to strictly focus on writing originals. Although it seemed promising at the start, the partnership with Michael went south once again, and our new line-up soon found itself without a singer.

Despite this setback, we remained focused and determined, and continued writing new material as we searched for a vocalist. After about 4 months of this, we started to get concerned. The response to our search was minimal. It seemed like there was no one out there. Fortunately, the universe seems to respond when you just continue putting one foot in front of the other. Through a stroke of good fortune, our flyer fell into the hands of a talented vocalist from a band in New Jersey who just happened to be looking for a change.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hitting the bricks!

Back in the day (yuck)....the way a band got the word out that they had a gig and an album and merch was largely word of mouth, an industry paper called the "EAST COAST ROCKER" and rigorous flyer distribution and or mailing list contacting....with telephones that had CORDS.....and this was all before caller id thankfully lol.....

The latter was an HnR specialty.....We would call up the good folks on our mailing list and verbally let them know we had a gig....IN SOME CASES WE HAND DELIVERED TICKETS!

We would flyer just as it was depicted in the movie poles, buildings...and as depicted in that movie...there were rivalries with other bands and yes, drama there....

And dont let me forget about all the angry boyfriends that would pick up the phones that diddnt know their girlfriends signed up for our list ...more and more DRAMA....

The state of the scene for the original artist was a pay to play  situation....We would buy a block of tix from whatever club we were playing and then we had to fight tooth and nail to get that block sold...filling busses...promoting caravans and anyone that had a vehicle and the gas money to get out to jersey lol.....NOT easy....

Fighting with clubowners was possibly the worst thing about this arrangement...always a hassle believe me....Jersey clubs were the worst as far as administration goes...Studio one and Obsessions anybody?

We also had a fanclub!.....Dana and Sue god bless em' were basically the superfans that helped us so much i must give them a shout out here...Thank you so much for your efforts ladies...

Could we have avoided all of this drama/blood/sweat and tears? Yes ofcourse if we chose to be a cover band...The crews that dominated the scenes in the cities we were targeting WERE ALWAYS COVER BANDS......

To be an original act was a monumental undertaking before the internet...If each and every member of HnR wasnt a total believer in this path, then it would not have worked as well as it did...(debateable? maybe)....

Thank you for visiting THE HAIRCLUB FOR MEN...i wasnt just a client..i also owned the company folks....

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Third time's a charm!


Reeling from the wreckage that was my psyche after not just one but TWO labels walking away from us, Jare and i decided not to let this get to us. But this time we kept the effort just between us. Streamlined and focused on finding a company that would best represent us and get our music out there.

I now need to back pedal a little here, to let you all know where the rest of the guys are in their lives, or atleast let you know what I know which may or may not be correct but here goes...

Danny (bass): Started a family and a thriving lawncare business in the scranton-wilkes barre area. I try to connect with him monthly because talking to him will brighten anyones day.. He no longer has any interest in being in a band anymore and might be our biggest supporter in this new endeavor. If you have lawn that needs care, YOU NEED DAN THE LAWN MAN!!

Beckett (drums): Also started a family and works for the E.P.A. and makes an amazing living in N.J. and has been in a couple projects since HnR. Due to some personality conflicts between us, i havent spoken to him in a few years.

Mark (guitar): The blues man of the crew....Got married and is still living in the coal region and never stopped playing out in various and numerous bands over the years. He put out an amazing christmas album also...I try to connect with him once or twice a year in either text or phone call, tho i wish it was more he is a busy man..... Check out his will not be disappointed!

And Jareth, my best friend and partner in the craziness that is navigating this new music industry can let you in on his situation personally if i can ever get him on this blog!

As for me, My son is having a great time in the Navy.. I have done a bunch of studio work with different artists...tried my hand at some solo stuff (ugh) and did a couple voiceovers for radio. But my heart was always with HnR as stupid as that might sound.

Now back to the topic here....Jare and i put out a bunch of feelers and got a bite with an up and coming label out of Denmark  or they are going to be re doing their site and hopefully we will be featured on it soon lol.....They just released our physical CD as well!

"out now in Germany, Austria & Switzerland via Pride & Glory Music/Edel Music and via Comeback Media for the rest of Europe."

One of the american distributors is:

Without Jare this wouldnt have come together and without Lions Pride Music we wouldnt have such a great european support structure, and amazing CD out there for everyone to check out!

Now we have a label.....and now the focus is on the NEXT ALBUM!

But before i get to that....i will be covering what we have been thru back in the day...and god i feel old saying this but BEFORE THE INTERNET you had to promote your band in all different ways...the phone calls...the mailing lists....the fights....the club owners!!

More to come on the next Episode of "HAIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW"

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Losing control....

The next label that stepped up to this plate of dysfunction was DEMON DOLL RECORDS out of L.A.

They were willing to work with us and were very open to negotiation. I was not a part of the negotiations in any meaningful way due to my diminished role in band "stock" if you will.

When a band creates and copywrites a tune,  it gets divided up to what each person contributed. This then becomes each members equity for lack of a better word.

The time came to remix and remaster the album accidents happen back in 09', i was seriously unemployed and did not have anything to put towards the proceedings accept for my voice. There were others in the band that had the wherewithal to front me the money i owed with the agreement that once the project started to make money, i would pay them back accordingly.

This meant i surrendered some rights and control....and it sort of bit us in the ass...

There were contract negotiations going on over a 5 or 6 week period of time. I was busy designing a new logo and getting the cover and graphics ready to be pressed and distributed. (the old logo for the band that i designed back in 91' was soooo dated and in my opinion goofy at this point...i just felt it was time to enter the current look and feel of the millennium)..

When i looked up from photoshop, DDR had pulled the deal from the table.....It seems there were way too many revisions added and for a crew that never had a deal before, it wasnt worth the hassle for them...and i agree. I was not a part of the revisions and endless demands and it resulted in the SECOND record company pulling out...

Was I a little annoyed? Angry? Fuming and ready to start punching walls?

A little......


Sunday, July 31, 2016

Harder than it should have been...


Now we had some small label interest in 09'  and we remastered the original d.a.t. recordings to give to the company.....but things happened that got in the way of that and the label lost interest.  Im not really sure how deep into the roadblocks we are going to get on this blog( and there have been a few roadblocks since 09' believe me)....i will have to ask my partner in crime Jareth for that answer i guess....

Fast forward a little.

After i discovered that we had some fans in Russia, i started finding other sites that featured our old music....Greece....Brazil.....Poland......

AMAZING! we seemingly had more fans around the world then we ever did in SCRANTON PA!

What could the next step be here?  Nobody that was in the band seemed to have any interest in this information whatsoever....But how could we have fans and ignore them?

It should have been simple.....get the music to the fans in a quality digital format...thats just basic....

Well getting that done took SIX YEARS FOLKS!

Six years and another label or two got involved....more storytelling with uncle Eric is on its way kids!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2016


My brother in rock and lead guitarist Jareth and i both thought that its time to start a blog about this wacky experience....

Ok i will start from my beginning in the band called "HITNRUN":

I was a 21 year old kid in another band in New Jersey and the name doesnt matter lol....We played out extensively in the tri state area, and had a pretty good following and a house act gig at the Marquee in Manhattan.

The schedule was grueling and even tho it wasnt the most important thing at the time, there was little money involved. Plus there were severe personality issues with a couple members of the band so i was looking for another band...closer to home in Pennsylvania.

I had heard of the band HITNRUN in many of my circles and they were a seasoned, well respected crew out of Scranton. I had also heard they were looking for a singer, so i put the word out that i was interested.

A friend of mine introduced me to the drummer for HITNRUN, Beckett Grealish (Jares little brother)..i recorded a demo of their song "Forever" ....the band heard it and the rest is history.

We had alot of great shows together and alot of great times. But all good things must come to an end and i chose to depart the band in 1995 or 96' im not sure....I was married and had a child and i needed to focus on making a life for my new family. I left on not great terms with the guys but i had no hatred or ill will for anyone. The times changed...the climate of music changed and so did i. I still loved to sing but i also needed to pay bills.

Imagine my surprise as i was surfing the net one day in 2010 and i came upon a picture of one of our casettes on a russian website. Once i hit the translate button the caption read "I SCORED THIS RARE TAPE ON EBAY FOR JUST 35.00 AMERICAN"...and the description that the seller put up was:


Color me shocked....

I wasnt aware a soul had any idea who we were or what we did let alone someone in RUSSIA! 

To Be Continued!