Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Third time's a charm!


Reeling from the wreckage that was my psyche after not just one but TWO labels walking away from us, Jare and i decided not to let this get to us. But this time we kept the effort just between us. Streamlined and focused on finding a company that would best represent us and get our music out there.

I now need to back pedal a little here, to let you all know where the rest of the guys are in their lives, or atleast let you know what I know which may or may not be correct but here goes...

Danny (bass): Started a family and a thriving lawncare business in the scranton-wilkes barre area. I try to connect with him monthly because talking to him will brighten anyones day.. He no longer has any interest in being in a band anymore and might be our biggest supporter in this new endeavor. If you have lawn that needs care, YOU NEED DAN THE LAWN MAN!!


Beckett (drums): Also started a family and works for the E.P.A. and makes an amazing living in N.J. and has been in a couple projects since HnR. Due to some personality conflicts between us, i havent spoken to him in a few years.

Mark (guitar): The blues man of the crew....Got married and is still living in the coal region and never stopped playing out in various and numerous bands over the years. He put out an amazing christmas album also...I try to connect with him once or twice a year in either text or phone call, tho i wish it was more he is a busy man..... Check out his stuff..you will not be disappointed!


And Jareth, my best friend and partner in the craziness that is navigating this new music industry can let you in on his situation personally if i can ever get him on this blog!

As for me, My son is having a great time in the Navy.. I have done a bunch of studio work with different artists...tried my hand at some solo stuff (ugh) and did a couple voiceovers for radio. But my heart was always with HnR as stupid as that might sound.

Now back to the topic here....Jare and i put out a bunch of feelers and got a bite with an up and coming label out of Denmark http://www.lionspridemusic.com/  or http://lionspridemusic.bigcartel.com/ they are going to be re doing their site and hopefully we will be featured on it soon lol.....They just released our physical CD as well!

"out now in Germany, Austria & Switzerland via Pride & Glory Music/Edel Music and via Comeback Media for the rest of Europe."

One of the american distributors is:


Without Jare this wouldnt have come together and without Lions Pride Music we wouldnt have such a great european support structure, and amazing CD out there for everyone to check out!

Now we have a label.....and now the focus is on the NEXT ALBUM!

But before i get to that....i will be covering what we have been thru back in the day...and god i feel old saying this but BEFORE THE INTERNET you had to promote your band in all different ways...the phone calls...the mailing lists....the fights....the club owners!!

More to come on the next Episode of "HAIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW"

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