Saturday, March 18, 2017


A few years back a friend of ours announced that his company was working on a documentary.

It was going to be a film about the whole music scene in Scranton in the late 80's early 90's and i must say i was proud that some of our music, our images and possibly an interview would be a part of it..The idea was that the infamous club "SEA SEA'S" was the focal point of that AOR tornado lol.....And it was....

For whatever reason the project got hung up, but in my opinion it really was a great idea..As we have said here it was an exciting and amazing thing to behold as all of us worked to shape our musical landscape back then.

The weird thing is that in the band i was in before HITNRUN, in the scene i basically started my singing career, the NY,NJ areas....It was a TOTALLY different vibe...In almost all the clubs and places we were playing in that band, it was a completely adversarial and competition filled situation.. Now competition isnt really a bad thing per se...But add in the stress of  the pay to play business mechanic, the nights of playing at 2 in the morning after 12 other acts have just drained the club and i will admit that the differences in artistic taste in the band diddnt help the mood. Getting bumped from the lineup with no notice (after driving two hours or so)...the theft from cars and equipment...the fights...blatant song theft...CUTTHROAT would be the word...

Most of the groups in the coal region (most not all lol i mean there are always bad apples) and in Philly..were all there to lend a hand to anyone that needed it. To help another crew out and give support at the gigs. There was a real need to see your fellow bands succeed.

As an aspiring artist it was a great time and even better friends. My art and music was inspired by the people around me and the sights and sounds that followed..I have yet to feel as a part of something now as i did back then artistically.

I came across the promotional art they created for the flick and decided to share it here. With luck it is not a dead idea.

This has been Eric Montoya from the Hair Metal time machine signing off until next thought....