Sunday, November 12, 2017


Well there it is....things are really getting real it seems.

Our return to the studio has been a milestone for more than one reason. Not only are we (Jareth and Eric) tracking once again for the first time in many years, but we were also joined by one of the most amazing human beings that ever lived...Johnny Dee  *from wikipedia* He is best known for being a member of the glam metal band Britny Fox, and as a member of Doro Pesch's band since 1993. In the past Dee played in the bands Mariah and Waysted, as well as collaborated with artists such as Blaze Bayley and guitarist Jack Frost.

He came in and was the coolest and nicest guy. We ofcourse talked at length about how much we love his music and have been fans for decades. Then he sat down behind the drumkit and i was amazed to say the least...

The man sat there for over three hours....WITH NO BREAKS!  just kicking ass and blowing our minds...TOTAL professional to put it mildly. Seeing a hero of mine truly live up to his hype is very much a high point in my life. Not to mention the fact that he was playing our tune lol.....

So it seems that we are on track to do something great here if the first session with Johnny is any indication. We have more to record with him as well as other special guests on the way.

Thats all for now from me, Eric (your friendly neighborhood singer)

Friday, May 19, 2017

Logo Ideas!

Hi all!

First off, Thank you for all the kind words Jare. Lets not forget the beginnings of those song ideas i was working with. The most important part of the song structure was the "riff". Jare and Mark would come to me with amazing guitar ideas and quite frankly the tunes wrote themselves after that point. I was for the most part along for the ride lol.....

Now for the reason for this post. Jare and I decided we might want to shake things up with our logo. The last album was a departure from the original album logo because the first one i designed when i was the tender age of 22? Just looked soooo dated....

I.E. that was a thing....So i thought we needed a little bit of an update...This was as most of you know the one that made the final cut for our Lions Pride release last year...

We have the red color and the block lettering because i wanted to make a bold statement. We are HITNRUN! WERE BACK! so deal with THAT! lol.....

Now that we have made that statement..Its time to start to try to tell the story of our band in just one graphic.

Here is the current front runner and my personal fave...maybe we will have a facebook vote or something but this really hits a chord with us at the moment...

More refined...More style...MORE METAL!! lol.....To reflect our current state of mind. At least i hope so!

So there it is...There is so much going on with our current album and record company that i cant really touch on at this time here but rest assured...we will rise stronger than before folks...

Thats the update from uncle Eric...Thank you all for reading this blog always its our fans that keep us going..

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Beginning - Jareth's POV

Write, rehearse, repeat

With Eric aboard, we wasted no time getting down to business. Rehearsals began in earnest, and we all started getting to know each other personally and musically. The first thing I noticed was that Eric's voice and songwriting approach was going to steer us in a slightly different direction from where we had previously been heading. Instead of the more aggressive Skid Row style we had been pursuing, we found ourselves becoming bluesier and more melodic, more reminiscent of Warrant, Tesla, and Lynch Mob. And that was fine by us. Several songs we had been working on with our previous vocalist had to be scrapped, but we managed to salvage a few tunes from our earlier incarnations, namely Forever, Took Too Much, and When the Sun Goes Down.

Side note: It's very cool to know that Forever, which was written in 1989 with former singer Michael Weiland, actually made the record we released in 2015. It was the second HitnRun song ever written and, in my humble opinion, still holds up as a solid power ballad to this day. It's also our #4 song played on Spotify. ; )

New songs quickly started taking shape. I specifically recall writing Piece of the Action, Take It to the Limit, and a track called Heart Is the Law in those first few months. It was an exciting time. The musical chemistry was really starting to come together, and friendships were being forged. There were some tensions, as there are in all bands, but I think we all knew we had hit on something special with this line-up.

From the rehearsal hall to the stage

It wasn't long before we were approached about what would become our first gig. My former band, Nervous Wrekk had become a headliner at a few area clubs and asked us to open a gig for them in December of 1991. I didn't feel we were quite ready yet. With only 6 originals that we considered stage ready and a band wide reluctance to rely on cover songs ever again, I attempted to turn the gig down. My former bandmates weren't having it though. They persuaded us to take the gig.

Despite my reservations, it proved to be a great first show. It was the first time I took the stage to play with an all-original band, and damn did it feel good. We did round out the set with a cover of Fastway's "Say What You Will," but other than that we laid down six originals that the crowd seemed to be digging. It was also amazing to have such a confident and capable singer fronting the band. Eric delivered big time, both vocally and in terms of his commanding stage presence. It was also Dan's first gig with us and he more than proved he was up to the task of making us a great live band.

Looking back at that gig makes me realize how bold and ballsy all of the bands in Northeastern PA that decided to stick to their guns and play original music really were. Cover bands were just packing the clubs back then in our area, but we knew that playing covers would never really lead us to what we wanted—a recording contract with a major label and a legion of fans that wanted to hear HitnRun and not just how well we could play the latest Bon Jovi hit.

The HitnRun story will continue in my next post, but until then I'd like to give a shout out to the original bands from our scene in the early 90s: Nervous Wrekk, Totally Lost Cause, Orfan Annie, Misled, Vainglory, Peeping Tom, Vicious, and Wasted Faith. There may have been a few more, but it was a long time ago in a place not so far away.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


A few years back a friend of ours announced that his company was working on a documentary.

It was going to be a film about the whole music scene in Scranton in the late 80's early 90's and i must say i was proud that some of our music, our images and possibly an interview would be a part of it..The idea was that the infamous club "SEA SEA'S" was the focal point of that AOR tornado lol.....And it was....

For whatever reason the project got hung up, but in my opinion it really was a great idea..As we have said here it was an exciting and amazing thing to behold as all of us worked to shape our musical landscape back then.

The weird thing is that in the band i was in before HITNRUN, in the scene i basically started my singing career, the NY,NJ areas....It was a TOTALLY different vibe...In almost all the clubs and places we were playing in that band, it was a completely adversarial and competition filled situation.. Now competition isnt really a bad thing per se...But add in the stress of  the pay to play business mechanic, the nights of playing at 2 in the morning after 12 other acts have just drained the club and i will admit that the differences in artistic taste in the band diddnt help the mood. Getting bumped from the lineup with no notice (after driving two hours or so)...the theft from cars and equipment...the fights...blatant song theft...CUTTHROAT would be the word...

Most of the groups in the coal region (most not all lol i mean there are always bad apples) and in Philly..were all there to lend a hand to anyone that needed it. To help another crew out and give support at the gigs. There was a real need to see your fellow bands succeed.

As an aspiring artist it was a great time and even better friends. My art and music was inspired by the people around me and the sights and sounds that followed..I have yet to feel as a part of something now as i did back then artistically.

I came across the promotional art they created for the flick and decided to share it here. With luck it is not a dead idea.

This has been Eric Montoya from the Hair Metal time machine signing off until next thought....

Friday, February 10, 2017


Hit N Run hit the burgeoning melodic rock scene in the early ‘90’s but also fell afoul of the onset of grunge so their debut album never got released at the time! Fast forward to 2016 and their debut album finally hit’s the shelves and I thought now was the right time to quiz Jareth Grealish and Eric Montoya about the bands past and future!
Hey guys, I suppose the obvious question is how come the album has been released now so many years after it was written?

Jareth: No quick way to answer this one. There are a lot of reasons it’s taken this long. For starters, the band originally broke up in 1995 without ever landing a record deal. So at the time we split up we had a demo, another 5-song EP that we had released on cassette independently, and some “lost tracks” that we never completed in the studio.

After the break-up, we kind of all went our separate ways and pursued things predominantly outside of music for a decade or more. We did stay in touch though, and actually got together for a jam/writing session around 2003. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to keep that momentum going and never got the band back off the ground.

Eric: Then, in 2009 we launched a MySpace page with some of our songs loaded in the music player and several small record labels approached us about putting out an album. It really got us motivated, so we went back into the studio and finished up those “lost tracks,” which became “King of the Fools,” “Piece of the Action,” and “Wild and Crazy Days.” With a little remixing and remastering of our other recordings, we had the 9 tracks that became our debut album.

Jareth: After the recordings were finally finished, there were some other delays due to disagreements within the ranks and negotiations with different labels that stalled things for a few more years. Eventually, it all worked out, and we released the album digitally in 2015 and then signed with Lions Pride Music out of Denmark in 2016 for the physical CD release in Europe.

Hit N Run were part of a burgeoning melodic rock scene in the early 90’s, what was that like?

Jareth: There was such an excitement to everything when we first hit the scene. It truly seemed like “making it” was possible. Philly bands like Britney Fox, Heaven’s Edge and Tangier had gotten signed. You had Trixter, Tyketto, and Skid Row from New Jersey…and we operated very close to those music scenes.

Eric: There was also a growing original music scene in our home town, Scranton PA at the time, which was awesome to see take shape in a scene typically dominated by cover bands.

When the music industry changed dramatically and Grunge and Alt Rock became king how did this affect Hit N Run? And what was it like been a melodic rock band at that time?

Jareth: It was incredibly disorienting for us because it happened so rapidly. In ‘91, when Eric came aboard as our lead singer, melodic hard rock was utterly dominant. Warrant was huge. Skid Row was huge. Slaughter was about to release their second album. We thought we were going to ride that wave to rock stardom. Yeah, we were aware of the Seattle bands, but we really didn’t think they had anything to do with us. Their scene, their genre seemed so different from what we were doing.

Eric: Yeah, by 1992, we knew something was changing. The only hard rock songs getting airplay were power ballads. MTV’s Headbangers Ball had become overrun by thrash bands and “alternative” bands like Sound Garden and Alice-In-Chains. The winds of change were upon us.

Jareth: I think maybe the worst part of it was that it had suddenly become cool to ridicule “hair bands.” At least in the US it did. It was like a switch got flipped and suddenly the millions of people that had been fans were now poking fun at bands like us, even though 6 months earlier they were rocking out to Warrant’s Cherry Pie.

Eric: It was pretty discouraging, but we kept going. Even into ’93-’94, we were still doing really well in our home club scene in Pennsylvania.

Did you adapt the band’s sound in order to stay relevant like many other bands did at the time?

Jareth: For a long time we resisted, but late in ‘94, after a brief hiatus. We regrouped without Mark, our second guitarist, and started writing new music. Thinking back, I feel like we had become very uncertain of ourselves because of all the changes in the music scene. We tried being heavier, bluesier, adding in more “unplugged” elements, but nothing seemed to really click for us. I think we were just working against ourselves—not being true to the music we loved creating and doing what came naturally. It just wore us down, and we eventually called it a day sometime in early ‘95.

When the band split in 1995 did any of you carry on in music? Anything we should check out?

Eric: I’ve done some voiceover work for some radio commercials and I’ve done a lot of session work with other artists, including Grammy award winner Christopher Cross and guitarist B. Christopher. ( I also recorded a solo album in the mid- 2000's that was a departure from my hard rock roots. In my opinion, the project went south. A bit of Google sleuthing and you may eventually come across it, that’s all I’ll say about it (laughs).

Jareth: I’ve had a few false starts here and there over the years, but nothing that resulted in any new recordings. However, I have been actively involved in guiding my daughter Bren’s developing music career. She’s an amazingly talented singer/songwriter. My brother Beckett, our drummer, has a new project in the works that’s in a heavier vein than HitnRun. Mark released a brilliant Christmas album several years ago, “The Sutorka Clause,” that’s available on iTunes ( Be sure to check that out. Dan isn’t active in music, but runs a successful lawncare company and has a wonderful family.

Reflecting on the album, which songs do you feel most proud of and why?

Eric: I love “King of the Fools.” It really depicts the journey of bluesy rock and hook-oriented song writing that this band has always embraced. I just think it all came together in that tune.

Jareth: I’m a big fan of “Piece of the Action.” I love the main riff and I think the song truly captures how dynamic we can be within the context of one tune. I’ll also always have a place in my heart for “Forever.” Even though we wrote it before Eric was in the band, his performance on that tune really took it to another level.
With the band reforming with the two of you (Eric Montoya – vocals, and Jareth Grealish – guitar) being the only original members in this line-up, is there a possibility that live shows could happen?

Jareth: That is definitely part of the plan. Our goal is to recruit new members before we go back into the studio, and we definitely want to perform live again as well. We’re hoping to land some choice opening slots in our area, maybe get on the bill at some rock festivals. We would love to one day get over to Europe to tour a bit.

I know you are working on a brand new album together. Can you tell us anything about it? What can fans expect style wise?

Jareth: The new songs are still taking shape, but I can assure you that it’s going to rock, and it’s very much going to sound like HitnRun. Eric’s voice, my approach to guitar, and our songwriting together were integral to the band’s sound back then. Fortunately, that creative partnership is still very much intact and evident in the new music. I think you’ll hear some more maturity in the lyrics, a bit more experimentation in the arrangements, and perhaps some unexpected influences shining through here and there. But we will remain true to what we created together back in 1991.

Eric: From my standpoint, I think I have become a stronger vocalist. Time and experience will do that. We have both been through so much since the first album that some tunes will be a bit heavier, without losing our first album’s roots. Subject matter will, of course, reflect our lives and the world around us.

Is there anything else you would like to add or say to readers and fans?

Jareth: I just want to thank each and every person that has given our music a chance and supported us by purchasing the album and streaming it. It really stirred something in Eric and I—to realize that there are people all over the world that truly love this type of music and were willing to take a chance on this unknown band from Pennsylvania. Please continue to spread the word about HitnRun and follow us on Facebook and Spotify, so we can keep you informed about our progress on the new record and whatever else we have developing.

Eric: HitnRun listeners worldwide have proven to me that this is in fact a strange, strange world. Doors once closed can indeed be opened again. If you believe in what you’re doing, people will always respond...though sometimes not in the timeframe that you had hoped. I can’t thank our fans enough for proving to me that rock truly is forever. And that we weren’t wasting our time all those years ago...

**Our good friend Woody is an interviewer/critic out of the Midlands region of England. He has interviewed bands like Tyketto, Trixter, Survivor, Impelliteri, Edens Curse and many others...

He has a podcast and a radio show called "WOODIES ROUND UP".  And is a writer for FIREWORKS melodic rock magazine and contributes to other podcasts and magazines..He plays HITNRUN regularly on his show and contacted us about an interview a little while back and we were honored to oblige him =)**


Friday, January 20, 2017


Jare and I made some good progress last  night!!

We are working on some acoustic versions of our tunes and we got some business taken care of. Part of this is getting some pics signed for the good people that gave us some favorable reviews....Thank you folks so much for your support, we will make sure you receive some token of our gratitude. 

The other thing we accomplished last night was proof that my guitarist and I still have the creative rapport that we used to have back in the day.....Its amazing really to think that all these years have gone by and we have not lost a step in my opinion. But the proof will be in the end result i guess...My point is that theres NO better feeling than creating with someone that is on your same wavelength,,,

And heres a pic i found in his studio that i will share for no real reason....Just to prove that youth is indeed FLEETING lol....


Until next time my friends....Your pal uncle Eric Signing off.....

Friday, January 13, 2017


It is indeed an honor and thank you to the good folks at Metalized Magazine for this....


I think were in some pretty good company!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Another Great Review!


Sorry about the long lag time between posts here, things have been nuts on this end.   We have some big big plans for 2017 and to kick it off on a high note here is a very nice review and i thought i would share it with you!

More info to come soon!

Thank you Woody!